Mental Health First Aid

How to Improve your Staff Mental Health

Do you worry about your mental health or others? It is ok for our mood to fluctuate during a day; be happy in one moment and sad or overwhelmed in the next.  Knowing the warning signs of mental health will massively help before it becomes a problem. Do you know how to improve your staff […]

How to cope with an Anxious Child?

Helping your child cope with worries about school Children can find different aspects of school life very stressful – starting a new class, a new school, moving away from their friends. They may be displaying classic signs of anxiety but would you know how to recognise them? Here I share my experience of helping my […]

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace Mental Health First Aid is very much spoken about within the media, with awareness is now on the increase. Read on to understand what Mental Health First Aid is all about, why it is important to be mental health aware and what is involved in our mental health first […]