Are you looking for Paediatric First Aid Courses ‘near me’?  At HMB Training Services we can help you with your paediatric first aid training for your staff at your childcare setting.  What’s more our paediatric courses are in line with the Ofsted guidelines.

Statistics – what you need to know

Children’s accidents are a major public health concern, accounting for a considerable number of preventable deaths, serious injuries, and long-term impairment in the United Kingdom.

Under-5s are particularly at risk of being injured in home accidents, with falls accounting for the majority of non-fatal accidents and threats to breathing such as suffocation, strangulation and choking causing the highest number of deaths.

Most home accidents are preventable through increased awareness, improvements in the home environment and greater product safety.

Within the home, the biggest number of accidents happen in the living or dining room.  However, the most serious accidents happen in the kitchen and on the stairs. Every year more than 67,000 children experience an accident in the kitchen – 43,000 of these are aged between 0-4 years; 58,000 children have accidents on the stairs.

Within childcare settings accidents are considerably low compared to the home, with health and safety in place and adult supervision mixed with less hazards.


The Importance of Paediatric First Aiders in a Childcare Setting

Paediatric first aid training came into the EYFS Framework in September 2016 through Millie’s Law.  “Millie’s Law” refers to a campaign and initiative in the United Kingdom aimed at improving first aid training for individuals who work with young children. The campaign was inspired by the tragic death of Millie Thompson, a nine-month-old girl who choked on her food at a nursery in 2012.

Millie’s Law advocates for mandatory paediatric first aid training for all nursery staff and professionals working with young children. The goal is to ensure that individuals responsible for the care of children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to medical emergencies, such as choking or cardiac arrest. The hope is that by enhancing the first aid training of childcare providers, they can act promptly and appropriately in critical situations, potentially saving lives.

In the aftermath of Millie’s death, her parents and supporters lobbied for changes in the law to make first aid training a requirement for all staff members working with children under the age of 6 years.  This includes Nurseries and Schools. The campaign gained momentum, leading to the introduction of Millie’s Law in the UK. The specific regulations and requirements may vary, so it’s advisable to check the latest updates and legislation in your region for the most accurate information.


How Many Paediatric First Aiders Do I need?

The specific requirements for the number of paediatric first aiders in a child care setting can vary depending on the country or region and its regulations. In the context of the United Kingdom, Millie’s Law, outlines the following requirements:

  1. At least one paediatric first aider on the premises at all times: In England and Scotland, it is a legal requirement for early years childcare providers to have at least one person who holds a current paediatric first aid certificate on the premises at all times when children are present. This includes nurseries, pre-schools, and other early years settings.
  2. Full paediatric first aid certificate: The designated person holding the paediatric first aid certificate should have completed a course that covers topics such as CPR and first aid for infants and children.

All staff who obtained a level 2 or level 3 qualification on or after 30 June 2016 must also have either a full PFA or an emergency PFA certificate within 3 months of starting work in order to be included in the required staff to child ratios at level 2 or level 3 in an early years setting.

Childminders, and any assistant who might be in sole charge of the children for any period, should hold a current paediatric first aid certificate.

At HMB Training Services advise any member of staff that may be left alone with a child at any time during the day should be fully trained in Paediatric First Aid.  If there is only one staff member trained and had to leave the building for any reason you will be in breach of the EYFS Framework and Ofsted.

Paediatric first aid training must be renewed every 3 years and should be relevant for workers caring for young children and where relevant, babies. Employers should take into account, via their first aid needs assessment, the number of children, staff and layout of premises to ensure that a paediatric first aider is able to respond to emergencies quickly.


What’s the difference between first aid and paediatric first aid?

First aid and paediatric first aid share the fundamental goal of providing immediate care and assistance to individuals in the event of injury or sudden illness. However, there are specific differences between the two, primarily related to the focus and techniques tailored for different age groups.

  1. Target Population:
    • First Aid: Generally addresses first aid techniques applicable to individuals of all age groups, including adults.
    • Paediatric First Aid: Specifically focuses on the care of infants and children. It addresses the unique needs, vulnerabilities, and developmental considerations associated with paediatric patients.
  2. Content and Techniques:
    • First Aid: Covers a broad range of first aid techniques applicable to various injuries, illnesses, and emergencies that may occur in individuals of all ages.
    • Paediatric First Aid: Includes specialised content relevant to the unique medical and behavioural aspects of infants and children. This may involve specific techniques for dealing with paediatric emergencies, such as choking or administering CPR to infants and young children.
  3. Training Emphasis:
    • First Aid: Emphasises a general understanding of emergency response techniques applicable to the entire population.
    • Paediatric First Aid: Focuses on the specific needs and challenges associated with caring for paediatric patients, including recognising signs of distress in children and providing age-appropriate care.
  4. Certification Requirements:
    • First Aid: Certification programmes are often designed to cover a broad spectrum of emergency situations for individuals of all ages.
    • Paediatric First Aid: Certification is tailored to address the unique considerations involved in providing first aid to infants and children.

In summary, while both first aid and paediatric first aid share common principles, paediatric first aid is specialised to address the distinct characteristics and medical needs of infants and children. Individuals working in settings with children, such as childcare providers or educators, may benefit from specific training in paediatric first aid to ensure they can respond effectively to emergencies involving young individuals.   Read at the end of the paediatric first aid courses near me.


What happens on a Paediatric first aid course?

On a full paediatric first aid course they are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to provide immediate and appropriate first aid to infants and children. These courses are typically targeted towards those who work in childcare settings, such as nurseries, pre-schools, and schools. The content of a full paediatric first aid course covers the following key topics:

  1. Role of a First Aider:
    • Understanding the responsibilities and duties of a paediatric first aider.
    • Legal considerations and obligations.
    • First Aid Kits, administrating medication and accident reporting
  2. Assessment of the Situation:
    • Recognising and assessing the nature of paediatric emergencies.
    • Identifying potential risks and ensuring personal safety.
  3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
    • Performing CPR on infants and children.
    • Understanding the differences in CPR techniques for different age groups.
  4. Unconsciousness:
    • Causes of unconsciousness
    • How to put a casualty into the recovery position
  5. Choking:
    • Recognising and responding to choking incidents in infants and children.
    • Techniques for clearing airways.
  6. Bleeding and Shock:
    • Managing bleeding and applying appropriate first aid measures.
    • Recognising and responding to shock in paediatric patients.
  7. Anaphylaxis:
    • Understanding allergic reactions in children.
    • Administering an adrenaline auto-injector.
  8. Seizures:
    • Recognising different types of seizures in children.
    • Providing first aid during a seizure.
  9. Common Childhood Illnesses and Injuries:
    • Recognising and responding to conditions such as asthma, meningitis, and febrile convulsions.
    • Dealing with injuries such as fractures, burns, and scalds.
  10.  Broken Bones & Spinal Injuries
    • Recognising the signs & symptoms of broken bones
    • Demonstrating how to apply a sling bandage
    • Understanding how spinal injuries can occur
    • How to manage a spinal injury
    • Recognising a head injury
  11.  Other conditions 
    • Asthma – Signs and Symptoms and treatment
    • Diabetes – Signs and Symptoms and treatment
    • Hypo/Hyperthermia – Signs and Symptoms and treatment
    • Poisons – Signs and Symptoms and treatment


The Importance of attending a Paediatric First Aid Courses Near Me

Paediatric first aid certification is important for several reasons, especially for individuals working in childcare settings or those responsible for the well-being of infants and children. Here’s a summary of why paediatric first aid certification is crucial:

  1. Specialised Knowledge:
    • Paediatric first aid certification provides individuals with specialised knowledge about the unique medical needs and emergency situations that can arise in infants and children.  HMB Training will tailor your paediatric course to your setting and to your children’s needs.
  2. Effective Emergency Response:
    • Certified individuals are trained to respond promptly and effectively to paediatric emergencies, including situations like choking, cardiac arrest, and severe allergic reactions. This quick response can significantly impact the outcome and improve the chances of a positive result.
  3. Preventing Further Harm:
    • Certification ensures that individuals know how to assess a situation, recognise potential risks, and take appropriate actions to prevent further harm to a child during a medical emergency.
  4. CPR and Life-Saving Techniques:
    • Paediatric first aid courses cover CPR and other life-saving techniques tailored for infants and children. This training is critical in situations where immediate intervention is required to maintain breathing and circulation.
  5. Enhancing Safety in Childcare Settings:
    • Certification contributes to creating a safer environment in childcare settings by ensuring that staff members are well-prepared to handle emergencies. This is essential for meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining the well-being of the children under their care.
  6. Legal Compliance:
    • In some regions, there may be legal requirements or recommendations for individuals working with children to hold paediatric first aid certification. Obtaining certification helps organizations and individuals meet these regulatory standards.
  7. Confidence and Preparedness:
    • Certified individuals are more likely to respond confidently and effectively during stressful situations. The training instils a sense of preparedness and assurance, allowing caregivers to act calmly in emergencies.
  8. Professional Development:
    • Paediatric first aid certification is often a professional development requirement for those working in childcare, education, or related fields. It enhances the skills and qualifications of individuals in roles involving the care of infants and children.
  9. Parental Peace of Mind:
    • Parents and guardians feel more secure leaving their children in the care of individuals who are certified in paediatric first aid. Knowing that caregivers are trained to handle emergencies provides peace of mind to families.

In summary, paediatric first aid certification is important for ensuring the safety and well-being of children in various care settings, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to paediatric emergencies.


Further Paediatric First Aid Courses Near Me

Apprentices or staff who are unlikely to be left alone with children, and lunchtime supervisors are all candidates for our Emergency Paediatric First Aid Training.  Our one-day course includes roles and responsibilities of a first aider, first aid kits, accident reporting, reasons of a life-threatening condition, CPR, defibrillator, causes of unconsciousness and recovery position, choking, bleeding, burns, and minor injuries.

Further Paediatric First Aid Courses Near Me

Our Paediatric First Aid Training 2-day course includes all elements of the one-day first course including; broken bones, spinal injuries, head injuries, slings, sprains and strains, diabetes, febrile convulsions, hypothermia, hyperthermia, epilepsy, poisons, eye injuries, allergies and anaphylaxis, and asthma.

This course is ideal for those working alone with children, whether you are a Teacher or Teaching Assistant working in the Early Years or a childminder.  Our Paediatric courses are fully accredited.  We have open courses for Paediatric First Aid Courses Near Me running at our Brownhills Centre or we can come to your setting.

Additionally, if you prefer to have a short session with us and complete a bespoke parents/grandparents course; our Parent’s first aid course is for you.  These start from 2 hours up to 4 hours.  Can include any modules of your choice, but we will cover: reasons of life-threatening conditions, CPR, Defibrillator, unconsciousness, recovery, choking and gagging, burns, and minor illnesses, including dangers within the home.


Our paediatric first aid courses near me provide you with the peace of mind that you’ll know what to do in the event of an emergency, such as illnesses like asthma.  Furthermore, getting first aid training will give you the skill set of knowing exactly what to do if your child, friend, or work colleague suffers from an injury or life threatening condition. Never put yourself in a situation where you’re thinking, “What if I knew what to do?”  Get First Aid Trained Today! 

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