How to Keep Good Health and Safety in the Workplace

What is Health and Safety like in your workplace?

Let’s explain how to keep good health and safety in your workplace.

Did you know that slips and trips cause the most accidents in the workplace?  Which accounts for 33% of the most common injury. But why is this?

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What are the top common causes of asthma?

Do you fully understand asthma?

Asthma can be deadly if left untreated. That is why we are spreading awareness; ‘what the top common causes of asthma are’, how to recognise asthma, and what can we do to help.

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How to Treat a Choking Child

Do you worry if someone Chokes? Unsure what to do?

Did you know how to treat a choking person? Did you know adults over the age of 80 are more prone to choking?

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Who is Responsible for Health and Safety for my Staff

Do you worry about Health and Safety in your workplace?

In the latest Health and Safety report that came out earlier in the year, a total of 142 workers were killed between 2019-2020.  A further 441,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury and 51,211 employees were recorded under RIDDOR.   So ‘who is responsible for health and safety for my staff’ in the workplace to reduce these statistics?

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How to Improve your Staff Mental Health

Do you worry about your mental health or others?

It is ok for our mood to fluctuate during a day; be happy in one moment and sad or overwhelmed in the next.  Knowing the warning signs of mental health will massively help before it becomes a problem. Do you know how to improve your staff mental health? Continue reading

Ways to help a panic attack?

Have you ever felt that you were on the verge of experiencing a panic attack?

Have you been in a situation where you have experienced a panic attack? Or even come across someone having a panic attack?  Read on to find ways to help a panic attack…

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Five ways to manage your well-being

Lets talk mental health and ways to manage your well-being.

As a mental health first aider, it is important to know some ways to manage your well-being.  Do you know how to recognise your symptoms and when everyday strains become an issue?  We will go into this in another blog, but some include tiredness, muscle tension, tummy upsets, headaches to name a few.

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How to cope with an Anxious Child?

Helping your child cope with worries about school

Children can find different aspects of school life very stressful – starting a new class, a new school, moving away from their friends. They may be displaying classic signs of anxiety but would you know how to recognise them? Here I share my experience of helping my daughter deal with her worries.

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