mental health first aid courses

What are the top 5 strategies for improving a child’s mental health

Mental Health: the importance in Children and not just Adults Children’s mental health can be pushed away or dismissed, however knowing what are the top 5 strategies for improving a child’s mental health can massively help any child.

5 Top Reasons Why Reducing Clutter Improves Mental Health

Will Clutter Improve Your Mental Health? In this blog we will talk about the top 5 reasons why reducing clutter improves mental health.  It is proven that clutter can affect our anxiety levels, sleep, and ability to focus.  Having clutter and piles of mess can make us less productive.  Additionally, it might hinder our productivity […]

How to Improve your Staff Mental Health

Do you worry about your mental health or others? It is ok for our mood to fluctuate during a day; be happy in one moment and sad or overwhelmed in the next.  Knowing the warning signs of mental health will massively help before it becomes a problem. Do you know how to improve your staff […]

Ways to help a panic attack?

Have you ever felt that you were on the verge of experiencing a panic attack? Have you been in a situation where you have experienced a panic attack? Or even come across someone having a panic attack?  Read on to find ways to help a panic attack…